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  • #612
    Chandni Mehta
    • Topics: 3
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    • Total Posts: 7

    Financial literacy is a relevant skill to succeed in today’s dynamic environment. It leads to :
    – Increased Profitability
    – Improved Decision Making
    – Better access to Funding Opportunities.

    Marianella Parra
    • Topics: 6
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    Looking forward to doing all entrepreneurship4all courses on Financial Literacy, since it has definitely never been one of my strengths :S

    I just found this cheat-sheet with 14 basic terms that everyone should know before starting a business:


    Are there any other important terms/concepts to add to this list?

    Jyoti Gupta
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    Hello All,

    I am Jyoti Gupta, a Chartered Accountant by profession. I currently work as a self-employed. Financial literacy is an invaluable asset for entrepreneurs as it equips them with the knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions, manage cash flow effectively, and navigate the complexities of business finance.


    Chandni Mehta
    • Topics: 3
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    • Total Posts: 7

    Interesting, which is the topic that interests you the most ?

    Chandni Mehta
    • Topics: 3
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    • Total Posts: 7

    Great read.. it will definitely make us fall in love with Finance !!

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