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  • #916
    Marianella Parra
    • Topics: 6
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    • Total Posts: 15

    Welcome to our Summer Camp!

    Feel proud to be part of this amazing group of people who are making their Summer Count!!!

    Sneaky Ways to Keep Your Child Learning This Summer – Parenting Special  Needs Magazine

    Remember you can enroll in as many courses as you want during this month of August. A unique opportunity to upskill yourself and develop your entrepreneurial competences. Just click here: https://e-learning.entrepreneurship4all.eu/  and begin your summer learning journey!

    We are keen to know which courses you are doing and how you are enjoying them, let us know!


    Elin McCallum
    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 6
    • Total Posts: 7


    Dream Big. Start Small!

    Your big idea starts with a single step. By doing one of the courses here, you are already taking that all important first step. But the challenges, questions, risks, opportunities, ideas and sparks of inspiration will keep coming throughout any journey to revitalising your career or starting a business. Share them here – you can share to inspire others, share to show others they are not alone, share to let them know that the difficult bits happen to everyone. Sharing is definitely caring 🙂

    Keep going!
    Elin – one of the experts involved in the Summer Camp

    Ivana Šatrak
    • Topics: 0
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    Hello, some questions don’t have actual question text, just answers (quiz on module 3)


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    Marianella Parra
    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 9
    • Total Posts: 15

    Dear @Ivana,

    We are sorry for this, Thanks for letting us know 🙂

    We have made the necessary adjustments. There are now questions included in the quiz. You can continue with your course 😉

    I hope you are enjoying our Summer Camp!

    All the best,


    Zahra Shahsiah
    • Topics: 0
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    <div dir=”auto”>It would be great please let me know about Summer Camp- Digital Competences on activity 3 – Intermediate Level that I should complete to end the module. I couldn’t find any activity 3 to finish it. Also,  in the Advanced Level, Activity 3 and Quiz!</div>
    <div dir=”auto”></div>
    <div dir=”auto”>Many thanks in advance.</div>
    <div dir=”auto”>Regards,</div>
    <div dir=”auto”>Zahra Shahsiah</div>

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    Elin McCallum
    • Topics: 1
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    • Total Posts: 7

    Hi Zahra,

    I will ask my colleague running the digital competences course to get in touch with you – we need to look at this!!

    Thanks so much and i hope you are enjoying the courses you are doing. If we can help or support in any way, please just ask 🙂

    Very best,


    Zahra Shahsiah
    • Topics: 0
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    • Total Posts: 3

    Dear Elin,

    Great thanks. Please see the attached for the following courses as well:

    • Summer Camp- Financial Literacy- Intermediate
    • Summer Camp- Financial Literacy- Advanced
    • Summer Camp- Financial Literacy for Women Entrepreneurs

    I had same problems. Hope please help me with missing activities in these three (3) added financial courses.



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